
Extension to Palindrom that adds navigation interception. This allows to have links on the HTML page that send and receive patches instead of full page reloads. The navigation appears to be full for the end user, thanks to the use of History API to update the URL in the browser address bar. More details about this feature on the next page: Navigation interception.

PalindromDOM is used in scenarios when the Palindrom instance is a client that runs in a Web browser and the HTML document contains links, which should be intercepted and sent to the server as patches.


After DOM is ready, initialize the PalindromDOM constructor instead of Palindrom constructor:

 * Defines a connection to a remote PATCH server, gives an object that is persistent between browser and server
const palindrom = new PalindromDOM({remoteUrl: window.location.href});

Now any changes to palindrom.obj will trigger a HTTP PATCH request. And any received will be applied.


Options (PalindromDOM() constructor parameters)

PalindromDOM accepts the same option attributes as Palindrom, plus the ones listed below. All the parameters are optional.

var palindrom = new PalindromDOM({attribute: value});
Attribute Type Default Description
listenTo HTMLElement document DOM node, that indicates a root of subtree to listen to DOM events.

most of them are accessible also in runtime:

Property Type Default Description
element HTMLElement document The element on which PalindromDOM is listening to DOM events (document or the the element passed using the listenTo option)
listening Boolean true True if DOM event listening is on


Attribute Arguments Description
unlisten None Stop listening to DOM events
listen target: HTMLElement Start listening to DOM events
async morphUrl url: String Navigates to a URL by making a request using async getPatchUsingHTTP followed by a History API call.
async getPatchUsingHTTP url: String Sends a PATCH/GET request to the server demanding a patch that synchronizes server and client sides. It sends a PATCH request when there are pending data in the client's queue. And a GET request when there is not.

Morphing pages programmatically

PalindromDOM uses the HTML5 history API to update the URL in the browser address bar to reflect the new page. It also listens to a popstate event so it could ask the server for new JSON-Patch to morph the page back to previous state.

To morph to a page programmatically, you need to either:

If you don't have a reference to the PalindromDOM instance:

If you have a reference to the PalindromDOM instance: